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Step by Step Finishing Birch Ply Kitchen Fronts


Finishing Oil 

To protect wood surfaces and plywood we recommend OSMO Polyx Oil or Hard Wax Oil.

This natural product made from vegetable oil and waxes, protects wood without cracking or flaking like a standard varnish. The clear Matt is perfect protection for Birch ply, it gives a stunning finish whilst keeping the natural look of birch. It can be re-applied over the years to top up protection.

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Random Orbital Sander

Random Orbital sanders are an excellent tool for sanding birch ply. They sand smoothly and without the swirl pattern that can come from other sanders.

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Sand Paper

P180 / P400 / P1000

P180 sandpaper is a great way to smooth birch ply faces and edges.  Use P400 between coats of oil and  P1000 for final buff.  Use Goldflex pads for sanding the handles.

Click Here To Buy Disks and Here for Goldlex pads


How to finish our raw birch ply kitchen fronts 

Ideally test the method below with an offcut to ensure your are comfortable with the process and the finish acheived.

1. Lightly hand sand inset handles using P180 Goldflex pads.

2. Group similar sized panels together and sand edges with an electric sander, using P180 sandpaper. Be careful not to oversand, or sand at an angle.

3. Sand faces of each panel lightly with a random orbital sander, using P180 sandpaper.

4. Roll on first coat of Osmo Polyx or hardwax oil. Go light, there should be little excess and no pooling. Apply to one face and edges, once dry proceed with the second face. Use quite a dry roller for the edges so drips don't form on the faces.

5. When dry, sand using a random orbital sander and P400 sandpaper. Lightly hand sand inset handles using P400 Goldflex. After sanding is complete, wipe down the fronts to remove any dust.

6. Apply the second coat of Osmo Polyx or hardwax oil.

7. To finish, use a random orbital sander and P1000 grit sandpaper to polish off any nubs. This will take off virtually no material and will smooth only.

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